A perfect tool for making technical reports

“We are able to monitor the iron content in scrape down samples from the main engine within minutes and from these results we have the capabilities to judge the condition of the cylinders while the engine is running”.

Chief Engineer Claus K. Thomsen onboard Sine Maersk

Variable BN cylinder oil blending / minimum feed rate test – Grete Maersk

The SEA-Mate® B3000 lube oil blender was launched in March 2011. This is the very latest generation of BOB technology and was installed and commissioned on the Grete Maersk.

The test had two primary objectives, firstly to proof test the performance of B3000 and secondly to confirm that the anticipated value drivers were both sustainable and tangible.

In the first instance, the overall performance of B3000 exceeded expectations in all aspects of the test. Subsequent blends were proven to be consistent in terms of blended cylinder oil quality and specifications. Following this trial B3000 has been successfully deployed on other vessels with no negative feedback or issues reported to date.

With regard to the value drivers, the trial was considered to be a resounding success with the result that Maersk Line placed an immediate order for an additional 25 x B3000 and SEA-Mate M2000 Analyzers. Please contact MFT for more information.

Henrik Weimar, Operation Manager, Maersk Fluid Technology, places great emphasis on the following key learning’s:

  • Proven value of maintaining minimum cylinder oil feed rate by simply adjusting the cylinder oil BN to match the sulphur content of the fuel in small or large blend batch quantities.
  • This approach is much more effective than the traditional lubrication practices for ensuring optimum piston/liner running conditions.
  • Environmental emission regulations, new engine designs, challenging operational conditions etc, require a more flexible but professional approach in order to determine and apply the most effective outcome in terms of best-in-class lubrication principles.

“With Blending-on-Board, vessels are now able to recycle waste-oil, reducing the environmental footprint of each Blending-on-Board vessel, which is a very attractive and valuable proposition for ship owners”.