Original Engine Engine Designer approvals / Letters of No Objection
MAN Diesel & Turbo - SEA-Mate, Onboard Blending and Fluid Analysis Systems
MAN Diesel & Turbo - Increase of Cylinder Oil Dosage or BN to Reduce Corrosive Cylinder Wear MAN Diesel & Turbo Circular Letter CL118681-2013/LEO
MAN Diesel & Turbo – Lower load lubrication guidelines (SL2013-571)
MAN Diesel & Turbo - 100 BN lube oil for newer engine types
Wärtsilä - 2-Stroke Engine Lubrication Guidelines 2016 (RT-138 issue 5) See Wärtsilä / WinGD recommendation for Blending-on-Board usage on Page 13
Engine Designer approvals / Letters of No Objection:
MAN Diesel & Turbo - Letter of No Objection Blending-On-Board (BOB) Principle Letter of No Objection for operation AP Moller Blending on-board concept
MAN Diesel & Turbo - Letter of No Objection, Blending-on-Board of cylinder oil No Objection letter for 70-100BN cylinder oil from ExxonMobil, BP & PetroChina
Wärtsilä - Letter of No Objection, Maersk Fluid Technology Blending-On-Board (BOB) principle Approval for use of Blending-On-Board for any Wärtsilä 2-stroke engine type
Wärtsilä - Letter of No Objection for use of ExxonMobil concentrate as well as 4-stroke engine oil for Blending-On-Board Approval for use of ExxonMobil cylinder oil concentrate as well as use of used 4-stroke engine TPEO oil for blending of 2-stroke engine cylinder oil
Wärtsilä - Letter of No Objection for cylinder oil blended-on-board with BP Additive Approval for on-board blending using BP cylinder oil concentrate
WinGD – Supplier Approval – Maersk Fluid Technology Official WinGD Supplier Approval letter for Maersk Fluid Technology Cylinder lubrication oil Blending-on-Board units & oil XRF analyser.
WinGD – Letter of No Objection for use of Premier Six Opt-Max BOB 300 concentrate Approval for use of Cylinder Oil from Premier Six for blending of 40-120 BN cylinder oils for all Wärtsilä / WinGD 2-stroke engines
Design Appraisal for SEA-Mate Blending on Board
Lloyds Register Marine Design Appraisal – B500 - B1000 - B3000
ABS Design Appraisal
High-BN Cylinder Oils - Product Sheets
Chevron – Marine Taro Special HT Ultra - 140 BN
Premier 6 - OptMax Flexguard 140 - 140 BN
Shell - Alexia - 140 BN
Total Lubmarine – MAR - 140 BN
Total Lubmarine - Talusia HR - 140 BN
Premier 6 - OptMax BOB300 - 300 BN
PetroChina – RHY3532 - 300 BN
Total Lubmarine – Talumar B - 300 BN
Total Lubmarine – TalumarC- 300 BN
Chevron - Marine MCLA 7050 - 312 BN
Infineum - M7090 - 312 BN
High-BN Cylinder Oils - Product Sheets
Chevron – Marine Taro Special HT Ultra - 140 BN
Premier 6 - Opt-Max Flexguard 140 - 140 BN
Total Lubmarine – MAR 140 - 140 BN
Total Lubmarine - Talusia HR - 140 BN
Premier 6 - Opt-Max BoB300 - 300 BN
PetroChina - RHY3532 - 300 BN
Total Lubmarine - Talumar B - 300 BN
Total Lubmarine – Talumar C - 300 BN
Chevron - MCLA 7050 - 312 BN